NOTE: This pre-conference Workshop is entitled: “Pioneering Achievements in Desalination, with a Review of Current Status”. Therefore, wastewater is not applicable. The success of any seawater membrane desalination facility is dependent upon an effective and reliable pretreatment system. It is important for a desalination practitioner in North America to be aware of the state of pretreatment practices, variety of water qualities, and associated approaches associated with the Pacific and Atlantic coastal seawater regions where seawater desalination is under consideration. Consideration will be given to facilities developed and built from the late 1980?s through present day. This informative, tailored session provides real-world guidance to developers, owners, operators, and managers of desalination facilities considering seawater desalination pretreatment as a critical component of any membrane desalination process.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Jonathan Dietrich, PE
- Dietrich Consulting Group, LLC
- AMTA Pre-Conference, San Diego, CA
- Pre-Conference: Pioneering Achievements in Desalination with a Review of Current Status
- 08/30/15
- Seawater Pretreatment, Membrane Desalination Pretreatment, Desalination Pretreatment
- 9681-DP988