This paper evaluates the impacts process design criteria have on carbon emissions and guides the process engineer to where the greatest benefits may be realized. A conceptual reverse osmosis (RO) plant is evaluated to quantify carbon emissions based on the selection of specific design criteria for processes throughout the plant. The authors evaluate pretreatment, RO, and post treatment processes. Alternatives are evaluated and energy savings are tabulated and converted to tons of carbon dioxide based upon EPA carbon footprint estimates for power generation. The benefits of onsite power and chemical generation, building design/plant layout, and HVAC components are also evaluated and discussions on how regional conditions impact the feasibility of some options are presented. This analysis shows that design criteria play a significant role in GHG emissions. By evaluating various design criteria early on in the design process, significant reductions in GHG emissions can be realized.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Matthew Trzcinski, PE
- Gannett Fleming, Inc.
- AMTA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
- San Diego Biennial
- 07/12/10
- Carbon footprint, reverse osmosis, brackish
- 9650-DP502