Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) technology is an attached-growth process in which autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm growth occurs onto a dense gas-permeable membrane delivering oxygen by molecular diffusion (Adams et al, 2014). The MABR process employs a gas permeable media to deliver oxygen to a biofilm that is attached to the surface of the media. Oxygen is delivered to the biofilm by molecular diffusion, without the use of bubbles, resulting in energy efficient treatment independent of tank depth. This bubble-less oxygen transfer produces a unique environment within the biofilm where oxygen enters from one side and substrate (ammonia, organics) enter from the other side. This creates a range of process opportunities, including performing nitrification in reactors that are not otherwise aerated and developing different strata of microbes through the depth of the biofilm. The advantages of the so-called counter-diffusion mechanism occurring in MABR result in a strong potential for process intensification, i.e. the increase of treatment capacity within an existing biological process volume. Since its early applications at pilot- and demonstration-scale MABR has proved capable of providing process intensification (inter alia: Hu et al. (2008), Nerenberg et al. (2016)). Houweling and Daigger (2019) have recently modelled and described the potential benefits associated with the technology in terms of process resilience and improved process performance, even under challenging conditions (e.g.: low temperature, peak and variable loads, etc.). The MABR process technology that has gained much interest in the past five years for the potential benefits it offers for a wide range of applications. This paper describes four full-scale MABR plant case studies either in operation or currently under construction, by focusing on (i) the key-performances demonstrated at already installed sites and (ii) the drivers which lead to the selection of the technology against other options.
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- Amit Kaldate
- SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, Las Vegas
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference
- 02/22/22
- MABR, Nutrient Removal, Energy Efficiency
- 9715-DP2896