Our Vision
Solving water supply & quality issues through the widespread application of membrane technology.
Our Mission
To promote, advocate and advance the understanding and application of membrane technology to create safe, affordable and reliable water supplies, and to treat municipal, industrial, and agricultural waste waters for beneficial use.
Our Objective
To provide broad opportunities for the exchange of technical, operational and financial information among individuals and organizations interested in membrane technologies. As the leading advocate of membrane processes in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Central America, AMTA is a strong voice for regulatory and legislative reforms essential to the understanding, acceptance and utilization of membrane technologies.
Our History
The Association was originally named the National Water Supply Improvement Association (NWSIA) and was formed in 1973 to promote the improvement of national water supplies through desalting, reuse and other water sciences. In 1981, the name was changed to Water Supply Improvement Association (WSIA). In 1986 subsequent to a merger with the International Desalination and Environmental Association, WSIA became the North American affiliate of the International Desalination Association, under its original NWSIA name. In 1993, the name was changed to the American Desalting Association (ADA). Then in 2000, the name was changed to the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA).
AMTA is an affiliate of the International Desalination Association, and is affiliated with the Southeast Desalting Association (SEDA), the South Central Membrane Association (SCMA), Southwest Membrane Operator Association (SWMOA), and Northwest Membrane Operator Association (NWMOA).
AMTA membership consists of organizations and individuals from the United States and other countries. Categories of membership include public and regulatory agencies, industrial users, water suppliers, manufacturers, equipment suppliers, consultants, engineers and academia.
AMTA By-Laws: Our By-Laws can be found here.
AMTA Policies: Our Policies can be found here.