Association Collaboration Committee
The Association Collaboration Committee shall be responsible for following activity at a number of Associations and maintaining an interface with those organizations. The committee shall take the lead on collaborative efforts.
- Greg Wetterau (Chair)
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and approving the Financial Audit of AMTA done annually by an outside firm. The Committee can make suggestions on how to improve the financial accounting and practices.
- Jarrett Kinslow (Chair)
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee shall be responsible for determining recipients of AMTA awards. The Awards Committee Chair shall also serve on the MTC Joint Awards Committee.
- Greg Madden (Chair)
Bylaws Committee (Ad Hoc)
As determined necessary by the Board of Directors, the Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and updating the AMTA By-laws and policies. The Executive Committee may charge the Executive Director with facilitating a biennial review of the AMTA policies as standard operating practice.
- Scott Freeman
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing the AMTA’s communications and marketing strategies, including the organization’s digital presence through the website and social media. The Committee shall develop and produce the newsletter, publications, documents and other related literature that support the public and member outreach goals of the Corporation. The Committee shall coordinate with the Membership Committee the development and production of information provided in the prospective and new member packets; coordinate and assist in the development and production of articles and papers for outside journals and publications; and research the need and feasibility of publishing other industry guides.
- Julie Nemeth-Harn (Chair)
- Membrane Fact Sheets Subcommittee: Ben Movahed (Chair)
The Membrane Fact Sheets Subcommittee shall be responsible for keeping the existing fact sheets current and developing new fact sheets.
Director Emeritus Committee
The Board of Directors shall appoint up to five (5) Director Emeritus who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board for a term of two (2) years. A Director Emeritus shall be past Director of the corporation; an individual with significant experience with the industry and the Association while also being capable of routinely sharing such experience with the Board to aid in its decision making processes. Director Emeriti shall be a non-voting members of the Board.
- Bob Yamada (Chair)
Executive Committee
Between meetings of the Board of Directors, an Executive Committee consisting of the President, two Vice Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall conduct the day-to-day business of the Corporation. In addition, the immediate past president of the Corporation shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. The President of the Corporation Board of Directors shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee may act as empowered by the Board of Directors.
- Julie Nemeth-Harn (Chair)
Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee shall be responsible for the Fellowships offered by AMTA. The committee may secure funds, develop criteria for the Fellowship applications and select awardees from received applications.
- Brent Alspach (Chair)
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee prepares and suggests for adoption by the Board of Directors plans for financing the activities of the Corporation and an annual budget to govern the operations of the Corporation. Modification of dues rates, alterations of financing plans, and budget amendments must be reviewed by the Finance Committee, which submits them with accompanying recommendations to the Board of Directors for action. The Treasurer of the Corporation shall serve as Chair of the Finance Committee.
- Randal Braker (Chair)
Historian Committee
The Historian Committee is primarily responsible for documenting AMTA’s history as well as the Membrane Industry history within the AMTA region.
- Doug Eisberg (Chair)
International Liaison Committee
The International Liaison Committee isprimarily responsible for ensuring close cooperation between the Corporation and the International Desalination Association (IDA) to accomplish the mutual purposes of these organizations. The International Liaison Committee is responsible for initial efforts to formalize the agreement of affiliation and, after its approval by the Board of the Corporation and IDA, for supervising operations there under and recommending to the Board action needed to alter or improve the joint relations. The International Liaison Committee recommends programs to be instituted by the Board of Directors to assess, evaluate, and advise the Corporation concerning the state of the art and advances made in desalination and other water sciences being accomplished at the international level. The Chair of the Committee represents the Corporation on the Board of Directors of the International Desalination Association. The second representative of the Corporation on the International Desalination Association Board must be a member of the International Liaison Committee designated by the Board to serve in that position, provided the Corporation is or becomes entitled to multiple representation.
- Greg Wetterau (Chair)
Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Committee
The Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Committee recommends to the Board of Directors, and, after obtaining the approval of the Board, institutes programs (a) to disseminate information concerning legislation proposed for consideration in the Congress, in State Legislatures, or by other governments affecting the interest of the Corporation; (b) prepares position papers on behalf of and for consideration by the Board and for presentation when appropriate to Legislative Committees on matters related to the interests and objectives of the Corporation; (c) presents legislative summaries to the general meetings; and (d) cooperates with other government and federal agencies.
- Chris Owen (Chair)
Membership Engagement & Development Committee
The Membership Committee seeks and reviews applications for membership in the three classes of membership of the Corporation and makes membership recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Membership Committee seeks to obtain the widest possible participation in the Corporation among qualified applicants.
- Michael Bourke (Chair)
- Industrial Sector Outreach Subcommittee: vacant (Chair)
The Industrial Sector Outreach Subcommittee shall be responsible for developing a program to engage the Industrial section as AMTA members, incorporate Industrial applications into AMTA programs, and develop methods for greater participation by industrial users of membranes.
Membrane Technology Conference (MTC) Committee
The MTC Committee makes recommendations for the conference as required of the Corporation and the committee is responsible for the preparation of the programs. The Committee keeps in mind the public interest in the objectives of the Corporation and the technical interests of the active members in the formulation of the programs. The Committee collaborates with local officials as well as the International Liaison Committee in the coordination of general and international meetings and in presentation of reviews of ongoing activities of the Corporation.
- Greg Wetterau (Chair)
- Kerry Howe (Vice-Chair)
Nominating & Elections Committee
The Nomination & Election Committee is responsible for soliciting volunteers to run for the AMTA Board of Directors and makes a recommendation for a slate to the AMTA Board of Directors.
- Greg Wettereau (Chair)
Regional Affiliations Committee
The Regional Affiliations Committee is responsible for negotiating affiliation agreements with compatible corporations representing regions within the territorial limits of the Corporation and presenting them for formal approval by the Board of Directors. The Committee encourages the development of regional affiliates and monitors and supervises the Corporation’s participation in joint or collaborative activities that may be developed with affiliates.
- Jill Miller (Chair)
Student & Young Professionals (SYP) Committee
The SYP Committee is responsible for development of programs to encourage the participation by Students and Young Professionals in AMTA activities. The Committee takes the lead on any SYP activities at AMTA events.
- Samantha Black (Chair)
Technology Transfer Committee
The Technology Transfer Committee is responsible for generating and conducting programs of technology transfer designed to increase the knowledge of and interest in desalination, water reclamation and other fields of interest to the Corporation. The committee may cooperate and collaborate with other corporations and organizations in its programs. The Committee ndeavors to gain broad participation of members of the Corporation and any affiliated corporations in technology transfer activities.
- Jill Miller (Chair)