This paper describes research of incorporation 2-aminoimidazoles (2-A1) a anti-biofilm molecule into the NF/RO membrane matrix for fouling control. The specific objectives of this research were to: (1) determine whether a 2-AI would be amenable to incorporation into water purification membranes and maintain anti-biofilm activity once incorporated, (2) incorporate a 2-AI into the matrix of a commercial membrane, and (3) evaluate the performance of the 2-AI-membrane in comparison to a control membrane lacking 2- AI in terms of water permeability, salt rejection, and biofilm inhibition.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Ariel J. Atkinson / Jingbo Wang / Zhenfa Zhang / Angela Pollard / David Jung / Avram Gold / Orlando Coronell
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / Agile Sciences, Inc. / Agile Sciences, Inc. / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / University of North Caro
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, San Antonio, TX
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference
- 02/02/16
- biofouling, reverse osmosis, fouling, anti-biofouling
- 9675-DP1739