At its proposed buildout capacity of 30 MGD, the SAWS BGD project will be the largest municipal RO treatment facility in the state of Texas and one of the largest in-land potable desalination facilities in the United States. This is the only municipal RO treatment plant in Texas that uses a three-stage RO system with an overall feed water recovery of 90%. Additionally, the post-treatment system of the plant uses calcite contactors for remineralization of RO permeate. The presentation will review the lessons learned of the project that will benefit engineers and operators who are currently planning to implement brackish RO in Texas or elsewhere in the country.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Saqib H. Shirazi, PE, PMP / Esther Harrah, PE / David Timmermann, PE / Jill Hudkins, PE / Jarrett K. Kinslow, PE
- San Antonio Water System / San Antonio Water System / Black & Veatch Corporation / Tetra Tech, Inc. / Tetra Tech, Inc.
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, West Palm Beach, FL
- Membrane Technology Conference (MTC18)
- 03/13/18
- Remineralization, RO, Municipal
- 9685-DP2105