Design, construction, and operation of inorganic microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes are discussed. The topics include materials of construction used for the membrane support and active membrane layer (silicon carbide and metal oxides). The physical and chemical properties of membranes manufactured using the various materials will be presented for contrast and comparison. The comparisons include advantages and disadvantages of each type of material, separation characteristics, water permeability, and a description of typical applications. A case history describing the use of SiC MF membranes for the recycle of acid rinsewater from a metal finishing operation is presented, as well as a case history from the food processing industry involving use of Al2O3 UF membranes for concentrating a valuable fruit waste extract. Equipment typically used for feasibility and pilot testing is described.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Kevin Donahue
- CeraMem LLC
- AMTA Ceramic Membrane Webinar - Part 1, Online
- AMTA Ceramic Membranes Webinar Series
- 06/21/21
- Ceramic Membrane, Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration
- 9610-DP2543