This presentation will give a brief overview of RO technology and its application in midwest region with examples. The first example is Fargo membrane plant that has been recently constructed. It is the largest and first surface water membrane plant that uses UF and RO. The plant is designed to remove sulfate to meet treated water quality goals. The presentation will discuss the pilot testing done to select the treatment processes and design of the full scale plant. The second example is an RO plant in Illinois that treats ground water that has high concentrations of Fe, Mn, Radium and hardness. Pilot testing results of treating the water directly with RO and with Fe/Mn filters will be presented, explaning how the treatment processes have been selected. Another example is the upgrade of the RO plant in Nevada, KS that was originally built in 1984. The various improvements being considered include improvements to RO syste, degasification, scrubber system, evaluation of alternative disinfectants and alternative H2S removal technologies.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Vasu Veerapaneni, PhD, PE
- Black & Veatch Corporation
- AMTA Technology Transfer Workshop, Olathe, KS
- AMTA Technology Transfer Workshop
- 04/30/19
- Reverse Osmosis, Sulfate Removal, Pretreatment
- 9708-DP2312