Presentations by HDR
Matches: 91
Delivering a Rapid Solution for Challenged Waters: Combining RO Treatment with Design/Build Implementation
Case study of how the City of Goodyear, AZ used fast track design build to develop an RO system to treat their high nitrate groundwater....
Water Supply Augmentation: Pilot Testing Multiple Membrane and Filtration Technologies for Phosphorus Removal
A recent long-range water-planning study concluded that Dallas Water Utilities will need to reuse 120 mgd of treated wastewater effluent in the near future. It is envisioned that 60 mgd of this requirement will come from the Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant (Southside). The Phase IV Expansion provides a timely opportunity to produce effluent su...
Kennewick Water Filtration Plant - Major Pre-Treatment Filtration Changes - The Submerged Membrane Retrofit Experience
This paper focuses on the operating strategies, procedures and activities associated with major process changes by integrating submerged membrane technology into a conventional water treatment plant. The City of Kennewick's Water Filtration Plant (?WFP?) treats the water from the Columbia River....
Creative Solutions are Key to Conquer the Concentrate Discharge Challenges for One Tidally-Influence Desalination Facility
The Swansea Water District (SWD) provides drinking water for the residents of Swansea, Massachusetts and some neighbor communities. As such, the District is constructing a new 1.4 mgd desalination facility to treat the tidally-influenced Palmer River via an MF/RO integrated membrane system. In addition to the MF/RO desalination facility, a 1.0 mg...
It Works - Direct Coagulant Addition on Low Pressure Membranes for a New Surface Water Treatment Plant in Pflugerville, TX
This paper will present actual full scale plant operating data, which will include TOC removals and finished water turbidity, that validates the pilot testing and demonstrates that direct coagulant addition for low pressure membranes WORKS. The City of Pflugerville, Texas has built a major project to utilize a new water supply to meet the growing n...
Brackish Water Treatment for Industrial Ethanol Production: RO Concentrate Disposal Challenges and Solutions
Biofuels and particularly ethanol, have received a dramatic increase in attention as an alternative fuel source as crude oil prices continue to rise. Ethanol may be produced from a number of feedstocks including sugar cane and corn. This paper explores the application of RO processes in producing process water for ethanol refineries in the US. T...
Lessons Learned and Constructability Issues at MBR Facilities
This presentation is a case study for implementing an MBR system starting with the judicial rulling all the way through the facility startup. There are numerous leasons learned about the process and how best to manage the contractual relationship with the owner and the contractor and deal with startup issues. The plant is a 4 mgd MBR located in No...
Considerations and Execution of Tracer Studies at Water Treatment Plants Using Membrane Processes
This paper focuses on the lessons learned from performing a series of tracer studies at the City of Kennewick's Water Filtration Plant which was recently retrofitted with submerged membranes....
MBR Design Principals
Key Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) design principles are provided with a focus on pretreatment and aeration. Aeration, energy, equipment and total cost trends (courtesy of Siemens) are included for reference....
Membrane Bioreactor Performance and Process Evaluation After 10 Years of Operation at Grand Targhee, WY
The objective of this paper was to evaluate and provide recommendations for improvement, if required, to a membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment system after 10 years of operation. When this treatment plant was designed, it was to the current industry standards for membrane design. Of particular interest was the condition of the screening system...
Comparison of Inland Brine Disposal Options
This paper explores the application of different treatment processes for three ethanol refineries in the United States and their respective waste residuals management solutions, which include discharging to storage ponds, a surface water receiving stream, and a mechanical zero liquid discharge (ZLD) system. In addition, this paper discusses how the...
My Conventional Plant is Equal to your Membrane Plant
This paper describes a study that had two objectives 1) to compare the filtration processes and resultant water quality of a conventional treatment and membrane filtration plant to quantify any potential treatment inequity and 2) to employ the LT2ESWTR Microbial Toolbox to capitalize on current treatment performance and identify process improvement...
Engineering and Financial Assessment of Using Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process (VSEP) in Brackish Desalination Brine Management
This paper will also present a case study that compares the use of VSEP and the conventional thermal zero liquid discharge (ZLD) process from the cost and engineering perspective....
Evaluation of Dynamic Energy Consumption of UF, RO, & MBR Processes
This paper presents important findings from an AwwaRF-funded research project. The focus of this paper is on the Energy consumption (EC) by ultrafiltration membranes (UF), groundwater reverse osmosis (RO), and membrane bioreactors (MBR). Each of these processes will be tied to water quality variations, various operating condition, and treatment req...
Overview of Direct Integrity Testing for Pressure-Based Tests
This paper provides an overview of Direct Integrity Testing for Pressure-Based Tests. Membrane Integrity Testing has become the means of determining compliance with regulations. Testing pressure for pressure-based direct Integrity Testing is the most important parameter. The full-scale challenge test is the best indicator for the sensitivity a...
Offshore - Large Scale Ship or Platform Mounted - Desalination
The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic, environmental, and technical benefits and challenges of offshore desalination facilities....
Membrane Piloting with Challenging Water Quality
Four separate membrane systems were piloted for the new 20 MGD water treatment facility for the City of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The Verdigris River is the sourcewater for the plant and has TOC in the 4-9.5 ppm range. Coagulant was added for TOC removal and a fifteen week pilot was conducted to optimize the fitration performance of the various syst...
Ceramic Membranes Provide a Solution for Fisheries Enhancement and Water Supply Needs
High turbidity during the rainy winter season forced the city to shut down its conventional WTP during the winter. To reduce the cities dependence on groundwater during these months. In 2003 a study had recommended an MF facility, however it was put on hold due to funding. In 2008 because of poor industry performance of polymeric membranes the city...
Got Treatment? What About a Place for the Waste?' The Need to Develop a Concentrate Management Plant Prior to Desalination Treatment Selection
The treatment of wells with increased levels of nitrates with RO is preferred for water quality. The use of RO is dependent on the abiility of the process to treat the resultant concentrate. Increase levels of selenium, salts and alpha radiation prohibit discharge without treatment of the concetrate in most instances. For the water treatment plants...
Corrosion Pipe Loop Studies for a New Desalinated Brackish Groundwater Source in San Antonio
The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is considering using raw and desalinated brackish groundwater from the Wilcox Aquifer to supplement their current supplies. Introduction of a new water source into SAWS' distribution system has the potential to generate changes related to corrosion, metal release, and aesthetics (i.e., color). Pipes within the di...
Council Bluffs Water Works South Water Treatment Plant - Integrated UF/RO Treatment Processes
To meet the water demands of a new industrial zone in Council Bluffs, IA the city decided to construct a new WTP close to the area. They decided on a membranes facility because of footprint constraints and the ability to operate the plant remotely from the existing WTP. Pre oxidation and UF membranes were integrated to remove high levels of iron an...
Decentralized Approach to Growth Management Using MBR's
Growing areas, such as St. Charles County in suburban St. Louis, Missouri, faced the challenges of providing wastewater collection and treatment for its economic boom. The major challenge involved the inability of local government to find sufficient resources to meet the aggressive schedule of developers. The advent of the Membrane BioReactor (MBR...
Steps to Achieve Sustainable MF/UF Operation
Sustainable Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) operation achieved in five steps. 1. Membrane selection. 2. Proper procure document. 3. Conservative system design. 4. Proper installation and startup. 5. Proactive operation and performance monitoring....
Coordinated Delivery of the Membrane Filtration Facility, St Helens Oregon
City of St. Helens, OR pre-selected pressure membrane filtration over conventional filtration and other options to reliably meet long-term potable regulatory compliance. Qualifying 3 manufactures, Microfiltration (MF) was piloted concurrent with procurement accelerating schedule to 18 months. The MF supplier was selected on life-cycle cost and O&M...
Testing the Limits of Biological Phosphorus Removal in a Membrane Bioreactor
This paper describes the pilot work done at the city if Coeur d'Alene, ID for testing the limits of biological phosphorus removal in a Membrane Bioreactor...
Improving Tertiary Membrane Filtration Low Level Phosphorus Removal with Chemical Sludge Aging
This paper describes the pilot work done at the city if Coeur d'Alene, ID for testing the limits of biological phosphorus removal in a Membrane Bioreactor...
Ceramic Membranes with Direct Filtration vs. Polymeric Membranes with Settling or MIEX Pretreatment
The results of pilot study for the San Jacinto River Authority are evaluated. Selection of the optimum treatment system was based on costs along with evaluations of the treated water quality, ease of operation and maintenance, and long term system reliability. The general strengths and weaknesses of ceramic and polymeric membranes are evaluated as...
Comparison of RO to VSEP for Reuse at a ZLD Power Plant
In this paper, a comparison will be made between the original treatment concept using conventional reverse osmosis treatment and the V-SEP technology. The comparison will cover initial and annual costs as well as the design and general operation parameters....
Town of Healdsburg MBR
This presentation provides a summary of installation of a new Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) at the city of Healdsburg in California. This MBR plant replaced an existing old Biological secondary wastewater treatment process which had to be upgraded due to having challenges with meeting the plant's new NPDES Permit Limits....
Combined Membrane and Conventional Filter Water Treatment Plant - Case History
This presentation covers a case study about a combined membrane and conventional filter water treatment plant located in Yuba City 43 miles north of Sacramento, CA. They observe that membrane filtrate quality is more stable compared to filter effluent and membranes can successfully operate with conventional filters....
Considerations for MF/UF Procurement, Design & Operation
This presentation describes the path taken from pilot plant options (vendor driven, owner driven) thriough interpretation of pilot plant data. It further vdescribes the application of the pilot plant data to development of the membrane filtration equipment specifications, and discusses warranty considerations....
Considerations for MF/UF Procurement, Design & Operation
This PowerPoint outlines various considerations for Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration systems Procurement, Design and Operation...
Colorado Membrane ZLD Pilot Project: An Update
This presentation provides an overview of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) project for a Pilot Project in Colorado. The presentation includes some basic concepts and focuses on the Colorado examples illustrating regulatory and technical options and constraints....
It is not all about the money - non-economical considerations when selecting a surgace WTP design alternative
This presentation will help owners and engineers understand the implications of several noneconomic factors that need to be considered when selecting among viable technical solutions for treating surface waters. Water demand projections indicated that the City of Broken Arrow (COBA) will need additional water supply from the Verdigris River (VR) to...
Irvine Ranch Water District's Successful Implementation of 10-MGD Membrane Bioreactor for Water Recycling
This paper focuses on how the Irving Ranch Water District has incorporated MBR technology into its water recycling program. The paper details the planning, design, and construction process which could help other agencies that may be considering implementing a large scale membrane bioreactor to meet their increasing water demands...
Apples to Apples: How to Conduct a Fair Cost Comparison between Different Membrane Technologies
This presentation provides a lifecycle cost methodology to determine the factors to be considered, how the factors should be used to determine the total long-term project cost of each, and then how to determine which system is the lowest overall cost for possible implementation in a project....
All's Well that Ends Well: Getting the Most Out of a Membrane Retrofit
To increase plant production capacity, the Town of Estes Park, Colorado, recently completed a major renovation at their Marys Lake Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Estes Park is mountain community located northwest of Denver with a permanent population of approximately 11,500. It serves as the gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park where yearly visito...
Low Pressure Membrane Pilot/Testing
The benefits of pilot testing low pressure membrane systems is presented. Although often required by regulatory agencies, pilot testing is offered as a means of confirming system effectiveness to treat challenging waters, a means to evaluate equipment options and lastly a beneficial way to provide operational experience. Presentation illustrates ho...
ARRG! - My Brand New Membrane Water Plant Produces High Levels of DBP's and the Water is Black!!
The City replaced their obsolete pressure sand filtration water treatment plant with a new robust state of the art submerged membrane plant. Algae in the surface water source during the summer months correlated with high disinfection byproducts (DBP?s) in the distribution system. The new treatment facility included a rapid mix basin where 900 g mix...
Improved Membrane Design Addresses Integrity Issues for the City of Yuba City Water Treatment Plant
This paper is a case study of the City of Yuba City operates a 36 mgd surface water treatment plant. The paper covers testing of conventional and membrane filtration systems as well as full scale membrane operation when membrane integrity issues began to impact operations. Testing was conducted on new membrane filtration modules with improved abras...
Fire and Ice: Membrane WTP Design & Concstruction in Bozeman, Montana
The paper summarizes the design elements that were incorporated into the City of Bozeman Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant to address the cold weather raw water conditions expected, the known wildfire vulnerability within the system, and the susceptibility of the raw water to human impact. A cursory summary of the new water treatment plant p...
Creating a New Legacy Out of the Past: Membrane Retrofit of the Brandywine Filtration Plant
This paper presents the challenges faced during design, construction, start-up and first year of operation with retrofitting a 90+-year old plant with the latest and greatest surface water treatment technology....
Metrics & Methods for MF/UF System Optimization
This paper covers a wide variety of the current knowledge base about how to best operate and maintain a membrane filtration facility. Its authors cover the range of professionals with knowledge on the subject including design engineers, suppliers, regulators, and academics....
City of Clovis Expands their Membrane Water Treatment Plant to 22.5 mgd by Changing their Pretreatment Strategy and Adding Racks
The City of Clovis, CA operates a 15 mgd surface water treatment plant (SWTP) that receives its source of supply from the Kings River via the Enterprise Canal. The plant was originally constructed in 2004 with a capacity of 15 mgd using ballasted clarification pretreatment followed by microfiltration membranes. Due to the SWTP?s inability in recent...
Ordering From a New Menu: Navigating the Membrane System Selection Process with Newcomers to the US Market
Selection process of 5 low pressure membrane filtration system suppliers incorporating a decision modeling tool....
Start Up of a New Membrane Water Treatment Plant: Challenges and Lessons Learned
This presentation addresses the challenges encountered while building a facility of this size in a cold weather climate in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. The focus will be on the start-up of the facility between ?construction complete? and substantial completion. Specific details of what worked and what didn?t work will be addressed as well as les...
Submerged Membrane to Replace Media Filters to Increase Capacity 4X for a Small Community
An upgrade for a conventional municipal surface water treatment plant using a submerged UF was used to increase plant capacity by 4X with same sized footprint. Pretreatment includes alum or ACH for TOC removal, potassium permanganate for iron and manganese and taste and oder control, powdered activated carbon (PAC), and 5 minute flocculation tank r...
Failure Testing As A Startup Tool For Membrane Filtration Plants
This presentation summarizes the startup testing methodology that the author has used on 6 microfiltration membrane municipal water plant startups performed in the last 4 years. I will discuss a different approach to testing that provides great benefits to the owner. This presentation explains a testing and checkout process that contrasts to the ty...
On-Demand Gravity Powered Ceramic Filtration Facility: A New Philosophy in Montana
A new filtration water treatment plant (WTP) is required for Basin Creek water in Butte-Silver Bow, MT. The Big Hole water plant struggles to remove an unusually large organic color load during spring, and ecological conditions are making this problem even worse. The Butte-Silver Bow (BSB) water system challenges have DEQ?s attention and BSB will...
MBR Evaluation for Texas Oil Refinery Wastewater Provides Promising Results
This paper presents the results of an evaluation performed at a confidential oil refinery on the Texas coast for the use of UF membrane technology in the wastewater treatment process....
Pilot Testing for a New Membrane WTP With no Feed, Filtrate, or Backwash Pumps
This paper describes how the City of Port Townsend, WA chose low pressure membrane filtration to comply with LT2ESWTR for Cryptosporidium removal. The system had to match the existing system hydraulic grade line (HGL) to supply the entire water pressure system by gravity. he City opted to conduct a two-step procurement process. The initial step was...
Emergency Raw Water Desalination for Texas Drought Response
This presentation will detail the unique planning, design, discharge and treatment permitting, and construction procurement/execution implemented to provide a crucial new water supply to the Palo Pinto CMWD1 and City of Mineral Wells with 8 months? notice from planning to operations. Emergency options to maintain an uninterrupted supply of water we...
Verdigris River WTP - Lessons Learned in First Year of Operation
This paper focuses on the lessons learned from the first 18 months of plant operation including performance of the pretreatment facility, membrane system fouling, and algae monitoring at the Verdigris River Water Treatment Plant (WTP), located in Broken Arrow, OK. It is a 20 million gallon per day (mgd) ultrafiltration treatment plant that was plac...
Failure Testing as a Startup Tool for Membrane Filtration Plants
This presentation summarizes startup testing methodology used on six membrane filtration municipal water plant startups and will be soon used on startup of the second municipal ceramic membrane plant installation in the U.S. This method provides a testing and checkout process that contrasts to the typical I/O checkout and performance demonstration...
On-Demand, Gravity Powered, Ceramic Filtration Facility: Forget What You Know About How a WTP is Supposed to Operate.
The City and County of Butte-Silver Bow (BSB) serves the public water supply system from three surface water sources. An administrative order from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has resulted in the need to add filtration to the Basin Creek source. Initial efforts focused on site selection, pilot testing, hydraulic analysis, d...
Starting up a Tertiary Wastewater Membrane System for Enhanced Nutrient Removal
This paper describes the challenges faced and overcome during a start-up of a submerged membrane system used for tertiary treatment at the City of Coeur d?Alene Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWTF). The AWTF discharges into the Spokane River which has extremely low effluent ammonia and phosphorus limits....
Design Challenges of Retrofitting a Conventional WTF to Membranes to Increase Year Round Water Production
This paper will describe how The San Jose Water Company (SJWC) retrofitted Montevina Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with a membrane system. The project will help reduce reliance on imported water supplies, which have been subject to severe cutbacks during the current California drought. HDR was selected to design and construct the project using a pro...
What are the options for ZLD?
Disposal of reverse osmosis (RO) concentrate is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge, even for coastal desalination. Industries and municipalities are investigating zero liquid discharge (ZLD) options for concentrate management. This paper will provide an overview of the options available to achieve ZLD, from wetlands discharge through to...
Water Quality and Water Treatment Impacts of Watershed Forest Fires
Raw water quality after a forest fire in the watershed is highly impacted and the impacts directly affect the ability of any water treatment plant to produce potable water. Presentation of multiple examples of water quality impacts after fire is followed by a detailed discussion of treatment responses, which apply to all plants regardless of the p...
Bozeman Designs for Fire/Landslides
The presentation will use visual aids such as process flow diagrams and three dimensional drawings to describe how the treatment process was designed for ease of operation and the key systems needed for mitigation of risks due to potential wildfires within the watersheds. Pretreatment and temporary systems will be described as they relate to antici...
Operating Experience of the West Basin Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility Phase V Expansion
The West Basin Municipal Water District?s Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility (ECLWRF) located in El Segundo, CA is a world class facility that produces four qualities of recycled water for municipal, commercial and industrial applications including water supply to injection wells that are part of West Coast Barrier System. The source of recy...
All-Gravity Membrane Filtration: Design and Operational Considerations
The City of Port Townsend own and operates a municipal water system is supplied by gravity from the Big and Little Quilcene Rivers, which are on the western side of the Olympus Mountain Range and is located approximately 30 to 20 miles south of the City respectively. The entire system operates by gravity from both of the diversions, through two la...
Lessons From an Expansion of a Dual-Membrane Surface Water Plant
This dual membrane plant was designed in a time when many dual membrane plants were being designed. Now, with changes in technology the designer is faced with challenges. How do you reconcile needed differences in design and warranties in an operating plant? This is directly applicable to current issues like universal racks, it will be critical to ...
Starting Up the First On-demand, Gravity Powered, Ceramic Filtration WTP in the US: Lessons Learned in the First Year of Operation
This presentation addresses the challenges encountered for controlling a truly on-demand WTP. Specific details for the new WTP hydraulics and the new ceramic membranes will be discussed. The focus will be on the start-up of the facility between substantial completion and the first year of operation. Specific details of what worked and what didn?t w...
The Removal and Mass Transfer of Caffeine in a Nanofiltration Process
The abstract describes the methodology of how a mass transfer model of the anthropogenic wastewater contaminant, caffeine, was created and validated. It also presents a general description of the results of the project. This abstract should be added to the program because it provides valuable insight regarding the transport of caffeine through a na...
Design of MF/UF Membranes Side by Side with Conventional Filtration at the Catawba River Water Treatment Plant
This presentation is about planning and design of an expansion to an existing conventional WTP with MF/UF membranes and will provide the following learning opportunities to attendees:?How to design a membrane system to operate in parallel with a conventional water treatment plant (WTP).?How to maximize competition among rectangle membrane suppliers...
Ceramic Membranes Will Work: A Case Study in Montana
This presentation addresses the challenges encountered for site selection, design, and construction of a gravity powered on-demand WTP. Specific details for the WTP hydraulics and the new ceramic membranes will be discussed. Engineers, operators, and utility managers will benefit from this presentation by learning about a cutting edge design and o...
Targeting Zeta Potential Value Versus Clarified Turbidity as Preatment to MF/UF
A major drawback of utilizing clarification/sedimentation ahead of low-pressure membranes is the issue of organic polymer addition (clarifier aid). Most membrane suppliers and design engineers restrict the use of this product to prevent potential accumulation within the membrane fiber and subsequent loss of beneficial use. Cationic polymers are s...
Optimization of Submerged Ultrafiltration Membranes - Kennewick WTP as Case Study
As the City of Kennewick, Washington looks to increase the capacity of the membrane water treatment plant (WTP) to its full master planned capacity of 30 MGD, they have identified the need to conduct membrane optimization study with a goal of energy/operation cost savings. This presentation shares historical operational performance of the membrane ...
Incorporating Zeta Potential to Optimize Membrane Performance, Achieve Regulatory Compliance and Reduce Operating Costs
Automated zeta potential is rapidly expanding as a tool to regulate chemical dosing in water treatment plant processes. Zeta potential in combination with other inputs such as flow, pH, temperature and organics to minimize chemical cost and sludge disposal especially during rapidly changing conditions. This Presentation highlights incorporation o...
The FYI on CIP: Disposal of Spent UF Membrane Cleaning Solutions
Sustainable Ocean Intake and Pumping Facility for the Carlsbad Desalination Plant
The Carlsbad Desalination Plant (CDP), a 50 MGD seawater desalination plant, was originally co-located with NRG’s Encina Power Station (EPS) and the feedwater was withdrawn from the EPS thermal effluent discharge tunnel. The EPS terminated operations in late 2018, which required the construction of a new feedwater intake and brine dilution discha...
Sustainable Ocean Intake and Pumping Facility for the Carlsbad Desalination Plant
The Carlsbad Desalination Plant (CDP), a 50 MGD seawater desalination plant, was originally co-located with NRG’s Encina Power Station (EPS) and the feedwater was withdrawn from the EPS thermal effluent discharge tunnel. The EPS terminated operations in late 2018, which required the construction of a new feedwater intake and brine dilution discha...
Ocean Plan Amendment Compliance Carlsbad Desalination Plant Catches the First Wave
The Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant (CDP), pictured in Figure 1, has been operating for nearly 3 years, producing approximately 50 million gallons per day (MGD) to meet 10 percent of the City of San Diego’s daily potable water demands. The plant has been operating under a temporary State Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) pe...
Ocean Plan Amendment Compliance Carlsbad Desalination Plant Catches the First Wave
The Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant (CDP), pictured in Figure 1, has been operating for nearly 3 years, producing approximately 50 million gallons per day (MGD) to meet 10 percent of the City of San Diego’s daily potable water demands. The plant has been operating under a temporary State Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) pe...
Citywide Water Curtailment in Newport, OR - The Mystery of a Membrane Fouling That Created an Emergency Situation
The City of Newport, OR (City) operates a 6-million gallon per day (MGD) low pressure membrane water treatment plant (WTP). Starting mid-May 2020, the City experienced a rapid change in water production leading to an emergency situation four weeks later that caused a citywide water curtailment. Newport is a small town with a population of 10,000, b...
Citywide Water Curtailment in Newport, OR - The Mystery of a Membrane Fouling That Created an Emergency Situation
The City of Newport, OR (City) operates a 6-million gallon per day (MGD) low pressure membrane water treatment plant (WTP). Starting mid-May 2020, the City experienced a rapid change in water production leading to an emergency situation four weeks later that caused a citywide water curtailment. Newport is a small town with a population of 10,000, b...
Pilot Studies of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Removal From Drinking Water with Membranes and Treatment of Membrane Concentrate
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are man-made fluorinated compounds of emerging concern in the water industry. PFAS are persistent and stable in the environment due to the strong chemical bond between carbon and fluorine atoms. The City of Greensboro (City) in North Carolina detected PFAS in their finished drinking water as a result of t...
Pilot Studies of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Removal From Drinking Water with Membranes and Treatment of Membrane Concentrate
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are man-made fluorinated compounds of emerging concern in the water industry. PFAS are persistent and stable in the environment due to the strong chemical bond between carbon and fluorine atoms. The City of Greensboro (City) in North Carolina detected PFAS in their finished drinking water as a result of t...
A Plethora of Seawater Intakes Which Will Be Selected?
The Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant (CDP), pictured in Figure 1, has been operating for nearly 3 years, producing approximately 50= million gallons per day (MGD) to meet 10 percent of the City of San Diego’s daily potable water demands. The plant has been operating under a temporary State Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) p...
A Plethora of Seawater Intakes Which Will Be Selected?
The Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant (CDP), pictured in Figure 1, has been operating for nearly 3 years, producing approximately 50= million gallons per day (MGD) to meet 10 percent of the City of San Diego’s daily potable water demands. The plant has been operating under a temporary State Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) p...
Options for Expanding the Des Moines Saylorville Membrane Filtration Plant
This case study will describe the options considered for capacity expansion of Saylorville WTP in Des Moines, IA. The facility currently has submerged MF/UF filtration with a side stream RO system for softening. The alternatives analysis used a decision matrix which included capital and life cycle cost as well as non-economic factors to recommend l...
A Pilot Study to Evaluate PFAS Removal from Filtered Water
This presentation will review the removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from surface water using nanofiltration (NF). A 20-gpm NF pilot has been in operation since October 2021 to evaluate treatment performance and operational challenges. To date, we have evaluated PFAS removal at two recoveries: 80% and 85%. In the near future we w...